
Showing posts from September, 2021


                                  The little white ermine in his spotless coat permits nothing to soil it.’ well-acquitted with this fact hunters take an advantage of him. They do not set traps but daub filth within and around the entrance to his home. When the dogs are set lose the chase begins, the little animal turns to his one place of refuge. But on seeing the filth turns to face the yelping dogs, thinking it’s better to die than to soil his white coat. Psalm 139 is one of the most beautiful songs of David. It’s intensely personal, between David and God (note the frequent “I” and “me”). He says that God knows absolutely everything about him! He knows all his thoughts, actions and words (vv. 2-4). God is intimately acquainted with all his ways! One of the greatest truths in life is that there is no escape from God . Like fugitives, we may run, but we cannot ultimately hide from the God who penetrates even the darkness with the gaze of His light. If we manage to dodge Him in th


                                                                                                     Welcome home my son Evangelist Charles Inglis records the following story told by a lady in a prayer meeting “some years ago my husband was in Europe and I was left with my maids in a large lonely house. One evening after our usual Bible reading and prayer, we retired to our rooms. As I entered my room, I happened to look into a mirror at the opposite side of the room and was horrified to see a man crouching behind my wardrobe. I was tempted to cry aloud for help but I knew it would be useless. So I decided to put my faith in God by practicing the verses we had just read. I walked across the floor as courageously as possible though trembling in every limb. I took my Bible, sank into a chair and began reading aloud the fifty third chapter of Isaiah. I then knelt and prayed aloud telling God how we were unprotected women and implored him to protect us from thieves and robbers.   I ha