A patient was in the doctor’s office for his annual check up. As part of the exam the doctor looked in his eyes. Noticing how serious his astigmatism was, he said half jokingly to him “you are about blind, man. You better get your prescription for your glasses checked on to make sure it is up to date. So he made an appointment to see his ophthalmologist. The doctor had him sit in the chair, take off the glasses and read the chart at the end of the room. If you have been to the doctor’s office and read the chart a few times you know you can squint and fake your way through at least part of the test. The doctor asked him “can you read the top letter? Yes he said “it is an A. Can you read the next row down? Yes it says CZY. Can you read the next row? Yes I think it reads KNSCV. Finally the doctor said “OK...