
Showing posts from June, 2023

Tap The Ressurection Power

  In the fourteenth century two brothers fought for the right to rule over a dukedom in what is now Belgium. The elder brother’s name was Raynald and he was horribly obese. After a heated battle Raynald’ s younger brother led a successful revolt against him and assumed the title duke over his lands. But instead of killing Raynald, Edward devised a curious imprisonment. He had a room in the castle, build around Raynald. The room had only one door which was not locked and the windows were not barred. Edward promised Raynald that he could regain his land and his title anytime he wanted to. All he would do is leave the room. The obstacle to freedom was not in the doors or windows but with Raynald himself. Being grossly overweight he could not fit through the door, even though it was a near normal size. All Raynald needed to do was diet down to a smaller size and then walk out a freeman, with all he had before the fall. However his younger brother kept sending him an assortment of t


                    Stuart Holden (1874-1934), the author of "Prevailing Intercessory Prayer", was in Egypt and met a sergeant in a Highland regiment. He asked this bright Christian how he was brought to Christ. The sergeant responded: "There was a converted private in my company in Malta and I gave him a terrible time. I remember one night in particular when it was rainy and he came in wet and weary from sentry duty. Yet, as usual, he still got down on his knees before going to bed. My boots were covered in mud and I threw them both at him and hit him twice on the head. He kept kneeling and praying. The next morning when I woke up I found my boots beautifully cleaned and polished at my bedside. This was his reply to me and it broke my heart. That day I was brought to repentance." In Psalm 1:1-3, we are told that a person who delights in the law of the Lord is like a tree planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in season. Fruit comes naturally fr

Keep Your Robe Spotless White

           The little white ermine in his spotless coat permits nothing to soil it. Hunters, well acquainted with this fact, take unsportsmanlike advantage of him. They do not set traps but daub filth within and around the entrance of his home.   As the dogs are loosened and the chase begins, the little animal turns to his one place of refuge. But on seeing the filth, turns to face the yelping dogs, thinking it is better to be stained by blood than soil his white coat. On the road to Damascus (Acts 9), Paul gave his life to Jesus. As a result he lost his prestigious religious position and other things. In 2 Corinthians 11: 23-27, he gives a list of the problems he had encountered since that day. Some years later he is writing the book of Philippians from a Roman prison. After years of experience, what does he now think about his decision? He wrote, “ I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ...that I may gain (win) Christ and be found in Him” (Ph