
Showing posts from September, 2024

The First Church Crusade

            Campbell Morgan wrote “that there was a time in my evangelistic work when I was always afraid if a man of position and culture came into the inquiry room. But the Lord gave me one of the wonderful illustrations of the absurdity of my fear. I was conducting special services in a town when there came into the room an old rag-picker. God had shown him his sins; I felt at home when I knelt by that man and spoke to him of the blood that cleanses from all sin. At that same moment someone touched me on the shoulder and said, ‘will you speak to this man.’ I turned and there kneeling next to me was the mayor of the city. Six weeks before, the mayor had sentenced this rag-picker to a month’s hard labor. He had been out for two weeks and here they were kneeling side by side. I found that when God calls to save and when he calls to serve, he is no respecter of persons. Nobody ever faced a more formidable task in preaching his first sermon than the Apostle Peter did on the day of

Enjoying My Fathers Legacy

           Mutsuko became a Christian as a child. One day she told God that she was willing to serve him as a missionary. That day seemed very distant on the morning the despondent widow with her three little girls received official notification of husband’s death at war, from the Hiroshima municipal officer. There was no ray of hope as the four boarded the train home. Mutsuko saw no way out except suicide. The train would cross a river and from that bridge she would jump with the children firmly in her grip. However, God intervened and spoke to her just as the train approached the bridge. Had she not given her life to Him? Had she not promised to serve Him? Had he ever let her down? Could he not provide what she needed to feed three hungry mouths? “Entrust them to me; one day they shall be missionaries and go where you couldn’t go and do what you couldn’t do”. Clearly it was God’s voice. In tears Mutsuko repented of her selfish ways and committed her little children into God’s h

What is God upto?

    Rachel Peterson a missionary to Cuba received word that the village in Manacas was burning. Fire had started in a cane field near the village. The missionaries went to find out whether the Bible school located close by was in danger. When they got there they found that the wind was carrying the fire through the cane plantation. The village which had thatched houses was in flames and within no time most of the houses were reduced to ashes. It seemed likely that a large portion of the village and the Bible school would burn. When everything seemed to get hopeless, the Christians marched forward to the centre of the buildings. They stood on the streets and lifted their hands up crying to God to stop the winds.   They knew that there was a hand that could stop the wind.   Within minutes the wind stopped, it became calm and the fire was contained. In Acts 2 we read “and there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews...from every nation under heaven. And when this sound occurred, the multi