

                                                                                   Can you count the stars? I sat bolt upright in my bed “What was that!” There was a brilliant flash followed a second later by an explosion that shook the bed.   I scrambled to the window and leaned out. The sky glowed orange red. I whirled down the stairs to my sister Betsie ’s room. She was sitting up in the bed. I groped toward her in the darkness and threw my arms around her. Together we said “war”. We knelt down and for what seemed hours we prayed for our country, for the injured, for the queen. And then incredibly Betsie began to pray for the Germans, up there in the planes. I looked at my sister kneeling beside me. “Oh Lord” I whispered, “listen to Betsie not me, because I cannot pray for those men at all”. It was then that I had a dream. I saw the Grote Markt half a block away as clearly as though I was standing there. Then as I watched an old farm wagon pulled by four black horses came.