

                                      A teacher asked a class of small boys about ten or eleven years of age this question. Which of the Bible translations do you like the best? One little boy said, "I like the King James Version because that is the kind I got for Christmas." Another little boy said, "I like the Good News For Modern Man because it has cartoons all through it." Another little fellow said, "I like the Living Bible because I can read it easier." The fourth little boy said, "I like my daddy's translation best because he translated it into life and I can see it in him." Psalm 23 is the most known part of the Bible. Millions of people have memorized this psalm. The powerful words in the psalm have comforted many grieving souls and they have given courage to people in the face of great danger. Dying soldiers have died easier as it was read to them. For some the words of this psalm have been the last they uttered in life. The