
The Most Beautiful City

      A godly man was struck by a vehicle and rushed to a hospital. Doctors informed him that he had about two hours to live. His faith was implicit in the goodness of God in this life and in a future life in Heaven. To him death was only a gateway leading to the presence of God and to his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. His family was hurriedly called to his bedside. As he embraced each one he had a parting word. “Beloved,” he said to his wife, “you have been the dearest woman in the world to me. Good-night, my dear, I'll see you in the morning.” “Mary, what a joy you have been to your father, Good-night, I'll see you in the morning”. He then turned to the oldest son “Will, continue to grow in every Christian grace and virtue. Good-night, Will.” He then called Charlie to his side. “Charlie, you were a promising boy but you have followed the broad road, I love you. Good-bye, Charlie.” Charlie seized his father's hand and between sobs he cried out: “Father, why have y

No Perfection Until Heaven

                                     Many years ago, a promising Greek artist named Timanthes was under the instruction of a well-known tutor. After several years, the young painter created a wonderful portrait. He was so thrilled with what he had painted that he sat day after day gazing at his work. One morning, however, he was horrified to discover that his teacher had deliberately ruined his painting. Angry and in tears, Timanthes ran to him and asked why he had destroyed his cherished possession. The wise man replied, "I did it for your own good. That painting was retarding your progress. It was an excellent piece of art, but it was not perfect. Start again and see if you can do even better." The student took his advice and produced a masterpiece called "Sacrifice of Iphigenia," regarded by some as one of the finest paintings of antiquity. In his letter to the Philippians Paul wrote “Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I

Blowing In the Wind

                                                                               Alexander the Great is one of the greatest men in history. He led one of the largest and most powerful armies in the world. He ascended to the throne at the age of 20. By the time he was 30, Alexander had created one of the largest empires in history. He is known today as one of the greatest military minds ever and is considered to be one of the greatest rulers in all of ancient history. He was never defeated in battle.   Alexander named over 70 cities after himself and one after his horse. Alexander the Great died in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar II in Babylon, the city that he intended to establish as his capital. He was 32 when he died and the cause of his death is still not certain.   After death his kingdom collapsed as he had no clear heir. His territory was divided up between his generals, bringing an end to everything that he and his father had fought for. Alexander’s dying instructions were,