
Why is Paul Weeping

            On March 20, 1980, Mount St. Helens in Washington, a supposedly dormant volcano, began to quake and rumble. The local population was evacuated to a “safe” distance 8 miles away. Later, the side of the mountain began to bulge. Scientists were not alarmed because past research of volcanoes indicated that they never blew sideways. Then on May 18 the side of Mount St. Helens exploded, shooting tons of debris downhill at the speed of 150 miles per hour. A minute later, the volcano exploded upward with the equivalent power of 500 atomic bombs! Two hundred thirty square miles of forest were devastated and 57 people lost their lives. The scientists had assumed that natural events would continue as before. But they were wrong (Our Daily Bread) In Philippians 3:12-16, Paul summarizes the Christian life in three points. One, we have not arrived at perfection. We fall short of the glory of God, but God is not finished transforming us yet. Two, we are not satisfied with being wh


       A couple had been asked by their preacher to host a visiting minister for lunch. They obliged and put together a very special meal for the guest preacher. When they all sat down to eat, their little boy immediately reached for the mashed potatoes. But, his mother gently stopped his hand and bowed her head in hopes he would follow her example. The boy looked around and saw that everyone was bowing his head and closing their eyes. Just as his father was about to say the blessing, the little boy belted out, “Hey Dad, can I be the one who talks to the plate?” Paul encouraged the Philippians to follow “my example...and just as you have us as a model, keep your eyes on those who live as we do (Phil. 3:17). the things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things and the God of peace shall be with you" (Phil. 4:9). Paul could say not only, “Listen to my words,” but also, “Follow my example.”   Luke a devoted companion of Paul (Col 4:14, 2 T


  Brother Andrew continues his story “  I walked back to the mission school from the slums below. As I turned through the gate at the school, above me was the reminder “Have Faith in God”. The school was asleep and quiet. I tiptoed upstairs and sat at the bedroom window looking out over Glasgow. If I was going to give my life as a servant of the king I had to know that king. What was he like? In what ways could I trust him? Sitting there that September night, I knew that my probing into God’s nature was going to begin with the issue of money. That night I knelt in front of the window and made a covenant with him.   “Lord” I said “I need to know if I can trust you in practical things. I thank you for helping me to earn the fee for the first semester, supply for the rest of them. If I be so much as a day late in paying, I shall know that I am supposed to go back to the chocolate factory. God honored my prayer; but not without first testing me in some amusing things. The weeks passe