
Young Lions Lack Food

  In a certain area of Mexico there are hot springs and cold springs found side by side. And because of this convenience and natural miracle the local women often bring their laundry, boil their clothes in the hot springs and rinse them in the cold springs. A tourist watching this commented to his Mexican guide “they must be truly thankful to God for generously supplying such abundance of clean hot and cold water. The guide replied “the people are not grateful, there is much grumbling because God forgot to supply the soap” (Rev. Duraimony Dickson 2021) Psalm 34 was written by David when on the run for his life. He composed this psalm after he escaped from the Philistines at Gath and sheltered in the cave of Adullum (1 Sam. 21:10-22:1).   The Psalm is a humble reflection, thanksgiving and adoration to the God who had listened to his fearful pleas and delivered him out of his crisis at Gath. The Psalm outlines God’s incredible goodness to those who take refuge in Him. In Psalm 34:

Giving-a Sweet Smelling Sacrifice

                   A little babbling brook springs forth from an ancient hill side, flows down the hill liberally supplying everything on its path with pure cool water. Supplying the water as it flows down does not empty it for the deep fountain inside the belly of the hill continues unceasingly to replenish it. The little brook flows down the hill, deepening and swelling. It then pours all its water into a river, withholding not a drop. The river flows towards the ocean, pouring itself out continuously.   The tributaries which come streaming from the hills keep the river constantly brimming. The ocean perpetually sends up its vapor to the sky, which falls as rain on the hill. The ocean is not emptied, for the rivers are constantly flowing in. The heaven and earth see to it that the little brook shall never fail to sing its joyous song, “Men may come and go, but I go on forever.” In Philippians 4:18-20 Paul wrote “I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent. They are a fra

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         Several years ago a young girl in   Los Angeles went to Biola College. She felt called to go to China as a missionary, so she took all of the required courses. When she finally applied to the mission board to go to China, they asked her to take a medical test. After her test the doctor said, “There is no way you could ever go to China.” She was rejected because she had a heart problem that would have been aggravated in China. And so, after all of those years of training and preparing, she received the disappointing news that she could not go. She cried before the Lord because of the frustration of her life ambition. But one day she came across another girl, who also felt the call to go to China as a missionary. This young woman was qualified but lacked the funds. She said to the poor girl, “I have an idea, we can be partners.” “I will get a job and half of what I make, I will send to you, to support your work in China”. They made a pact; she went out and got a job. Half

contentment is something you learn

  An airline pilot would always look down keenly whenever he was flying over a particular lake in Tennessee. One day his co-pilot asked why he always did this. The pilot pointed out and said to his co-pilot: “See that little lake? When I was a kid I used to sit in a rowboat down there, fishing. Every time a plane would fly overhead, I would look up and wish I was flying it. Now I look down and wish I was in a rowboat, fishing.” In Philippians 4: 10-13 Paul says “   I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.   I can do all this through him who gives me strength”. Contentment is that sweet inward quiet, an inner sense of rest and peace. Paul was a contented man. In verse 11, he says, “I have learnt to be content.” He was anxious for nothing (v.6). Truly the peace