

            A dam was built in a stream that was flowing down a hillside. It took some time to gather the stones and put them in place, but eventually the dam was built. The level of the water began to rise. But there was a problem; a small trickle of water had found its way through the rocks. Before long the trickle had moved a few small stones, releasing more water, which then had the force to remove some larger stones. What began as a trickle became a flood and the dam was swept away. When David’s was fleeing from Saul, he found refuge at a cave in Adullam (1 Sam.22:1-2). From there he wrote his own lessons of faith in Psalm 34. In verse 11 David says, “ Come, you children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord. 1t’s not clear who he is calling children here. Was David addressing children who may have gathered around him or was it his spiritual children? Whatever the case those who teach children do an honorable job and their reward shall be glorious. Those wh

Saints in Christ Jesus

                  Dr. Livingstone was a missionary who plunged deep into the heart of Africa. His exploits were passionately followed by the world and his foray’s widely discussed. In the early 1870’s news from him went quite. The world held its breath in wonder at what had become of him. The New York Herald made a decision to send Henry Stanley to discover what had happened to the famed Livingston. Dead or alive they desired the story and spared no expense in procuring it. Interestingly, Livingstone was a loving grace filled follower of Jesus and Stanley an adventure seeking journalist who viewed Christianity with considerable cynicism. Finally he located Livingstone near Lake Tanganyika. Stanley arrived just in time to aid the old missionary with medicine and supplies and news from home. Yet, Livingstone gave Stanley far more. Curious as to what would motivate and inspire a man to leave all; Stanley desired to dig further still. Through Livingstone’s grace filled life, little b

The Best is still Ahead

            There was a woman who was diagnosed with a terminal illness and had been given three months to live. She contacted her pastor and had him come to her house to discuss certain aspects of her final wishes. The told him what songs she wanted sung and what scripture she would like read. She requested to be buried with her favourite Bible. Everything was in order and the pastor was about to leave when the woman suddenly remembered something very important to her. There is one more thing she said excitedly.   What’s that? came the pastor’s reply. I want to be buried with a fork in my right hand.   The pastor was quiet. “That surprises you, doesn’t it”? The woman asked. Well to be honest I am puzzled by the request,” Said the pastor. She explained “in all my years of attending dinners, I always remember that when the dishes are cleared, someone would inevitably lean over and say “keep your fork”. It was my favorite part because I knew something better was coming, like chocol