Max Lucado, tells the story of a missionary in Brazil who discovered a tribe of Indians in a remote part of the jungle. They lived near a large river. A contagious disease was ravaging the population; people were dying daily. A hospital was across the river but the Indians would not cross it because they believed the river was inhabited by evil spirits. To enter its water would mean certain death. The missionary took them to the bank and placed his hand in the water. They still would not go in. He walked into the water up to his waist and splashed water on his face. It didn’t matter, they were still afraid to enter the river. Finally, he dove into the river, swam beneath the surface until he emerged on the other side. He raised a triumphant fist into the air. The Indians broke into a cheer and followed him across. The night before he went to the cross, Jesus told his disciples: “I came...