Refreshing Company
Once there were two men in the same room of a great hospital, both seriously ill. The room was quite small, just enough for two beds. There was a door opening on the hall and one window looking out on the world. One of the men, as part of his treatment was allowed to sit up in bed for an hour in the afternoon and his bed was near the window. But the other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. Both of them had to be kept quiet and still which was why they were in the small room by themselves. They were grateful for peace and privacy. Of course one of the disadvantages of their condition was that they were not allowed to do much: no reading, no radio, certainly no television- they just has to keep quiet and still, just the two of them. They used to talk for hours and hours about their wives, their children, their homes , their former jobs, their hobbies, their childhood etc. Every afternoon when the man in the bed next to the window was propped up for his ho...