Silver or Gold I have None
There is a story about a humble monk walking with a Roman Catholic cardinal at a time in the Middle Ages when the Roman Catholic church was at its zenith of power, prestige and wealth. The monk became dazed as was the queen of Sheba, when she had been dazzled with the riches of Solomon's kingdom. The cardinal pointed to the opulent surroundings and said to the monk, "We no longer have to say, silver and gold I do not have." The monk replied, "but neither can you say, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk." In Acts 3:1-8 we find the record of the first miracle performed by the Church . Jesus was now in heaven, but we see him continuing to do, through his body the Church, what he had “began to do and to teach” while on earth (Acts 1:1-2). In this miracle we see him meeting a human need and as a result attracting many to his kingdom. Peter and John are the instrument of his will and his power . Peter and John were going up to the t...