Sadhu Sundar and a companion were traveling through a path high in the Himalayan Mountains when they came across a body lying in the snow. They checked for vital signs and discovered the man was still alive, but barely. Sundar prepared to stop and help this unfortunate traveler but his companion objected saying “we shall lose our lives if we burden ourselves with him.” Sundar however could not think of leaving the man to die in the snow without an attempted rescue. His companion quickly bade him fare well and walked on.

Sundar lifted the poor traveler on his back, with great exertion on his part he carried the man and moved ahead. The task was challenging because of high altitude and the snowy conditions. As he walked, the heat from his body began to warm the frozen man. He revived and soon both were walking together side by side, each holding the other up. Before long they came upon yet another traveler body lying in the snow. Upon closer inspection, they discovered him to be dead, frozen by cold. He was Sundar’s original traveling companion. (Gods devotional book)

The book of Ruth is a historic book; it teaches us about the Hebrew culture of that day - how the law of God factored into everyday life for the Jews and how his law permeated their culture. It is also a story of how God arranges circumstances that seem hopeless and terrible and orders them into His perfect plan. In chapter 1God's hand fell hard upon Naomi and her family- A famine in Judah, a move to Moab, the death of her husband, the marriage of her two sons to foreign wives and the death of her sons.

One blow after another caused Naomi to say "The hand of the Lord has gone forth against me . . . the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me" (Ruth 1:13, 20).  She was so oppressed by God's bitter providence in her life that she could not see any of the signs of hope as they started to appear. She knew there is an Almighty God and that he ruled in the national and personal affairs of men. She also knew that He had dealt bitterly with her; her life was tragic.

When Naomi heard about what God was doing in Israel she decided to return home. Her two daughters in law decided to go with her. Naomi had obviously won their affection and they were warmly attached to her. The very thought of parting generated deep emotions “they wept aloud” (vv.9, 14). This emotion is evidence of the real relationship of love between Naomi and them. Naomi set before them the hardships which awaited them in the followed her and implored them to go back to Moab (vv.8-9).

The two women would have been a great solace for her yet in her unselfish love she was ready to let them go back to their homes, there they would get other husbands and children. She invoked a twofold blessing on them. First she prayed for a general blessing that God will show them kindness (v.8) and then she prayed for a special blessing that they would find rest and peace in a new home (v.9). Oprah kissed Naomi and returned but Ruth would have none of this and she made this abundantly clear to her mother-in-law.

First Ruth insisted that Naomi must cease urging her to turn back. Then she made a beautiful pledge of devotion “where you go I will go, where you lodge I will lodge, your people shall be my people and your God my God” (v.16). She firmly stated her commitment to Naomi, to Israel and to Israel’s God as a covenant. Ruth’s covenant was not a short-term commitment; it was a lifetime commitment. Ruth would not only do this until death separated them, she would do so in death. She would be buried where Naomi was buried. Not even death would separate them.

This was more than change of address. Ruth was willing to forsake the Moabite gods she grew up with and embrace the God of Israel. This Gentile woman, once far from God, had drawn near to Him. And “your God, will be my God” meant that Naomi’s relationship with God made an impact on Ruth. This is striking, because Naomi had suffered a series of calamities yet she still made her God attractive to her gentile daughter-in -law.   Even after losing a husband Ruth showed no resentment to God. She did quite the opposite; she pledged her allegiance to him and called on his name to punish her if she ever wavered from her commitment.

What we read here teaches that God not only knows the human sorrow but can transmit through a human heart something of his own power to alleviate and heal.  That is what Ruth’s love for Naomi did here. She gave love, comfort and companionship to a weary and sorrowful woman and walked with her through the long lonely and dangerous journey from Moab to Bethlehem.   It’s encouraging to see the changes that took place in Naomi because of what Ruth did. God used Ruth to turn Naomi’s bitterness into gratitude, her unbelief into faith and her despair into hope.

Love like Ruth’s is rare and attractive. Typical emotional love is often fickle and laden with selfishness. Love that is rooted in determination of the will and commitment to the Lord can weather any storm. Any person who gives you that kind of love is a priceless gift, treasure them. Those who can be to a sad and lonely heart what Ruth was to Naomi allow God to comfort and solace through them. One person trusting the Lord and obeying his will can change a situation from defeat to victory.

Peter said above all else have love each other deeply (1 Peter 4:8) for the simple reason does not stand alone, in its train follow other qualities( joy peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness , self control (Gal 5:22) which adorn and make life beautiful. We are to reflect Gods character in our lives in order to encourage others to walk in God’s will. Others should desire to come to the Lord just by looking at our life.

People should be able to look at your life; just as Ruth looked at Naomi’s and say “I want your God to be my God.” Your trust in God and turning towards Him in tough times will draw others to the Lord. Even though Ruth had little knowledge of the God of Israel, as soon as Naomi stood and said “I’m going back to the God of Israel, I’ll put my fate in His hands” Ruth stood with Naomi because she knew her God was good. Even when we are weak we should remember that God can still use us to impact others.

The beauty of Ruth’s character is evident here.  Her gentleness, love, faithfulness and courage all stand out before us. She was steadfast in her mind and this led to self denial, perseverance and pressing on. What a contrast with Oprah who wept, kissed but went back.  It is one thing to love the ways of the Lord when all is fine and quite another to cleave to them under all discouragement and difficult.

There is a place for tenacity in life especially when it is rooted in our faith in God and love for others. Our eternal destiny depends above all on steadfastness.  The road to heaven is so narrow, the battle so hard and the temptation to turn back is great. Oprah was heard of no more, in glorious ease and idolatrous pleasure, her life melts into the gloom of death. But, Ruth lives in history and in Heaven.

Ruth made a lasting impression on God’s redemptive story because she was an extraordinary embodiment of his great love. What would it look like if God’s people all over the world exploded with this love above and beyond the expectation of family members, friends, co-workers and neighbors? People expect courtesy and commitment with qualification. They do not expect to see the sacrificial and devoted love of Christ.













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