street light

When you go to buy for a diamond, a wise salesman at the counter will take the diamond and place it under just the right light, but on top of black velvet, as he shows it to you. Why? Because for you to more fully appreciate the beauty of the precious stone it has to be presented in contrast to something dark. Against that black, light-absorbing velvet that diamond will sparkle and shine all the more beautifully to the eyes of the customer.

In Philippians 2:15–16 Paul tells the Philippians believers to “do everything without complaining or arguing so that you may become blameless and pure children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation  in which you shine like stars in the Universe”. Paul uses the words blameless and pure to define the holy live of a believer.

A believer who goes through life without complains and arguments become blameless (external purity) and pure (internal purity). The word “pure” is also translated as innocent or harmless. All these words describe a person who is pure inside and His actions are also blameless. He has purified himself from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God (2 Cor. 7:1)

The religion that God accepts as pure and faultless is to keep oneself from being polluted by the world (James 1:27). David says “Lord who may dwell in your sacred tent? The one whose walk is blameless, who speaks the truth from their heart, whose tongue utters no slander, who does no wrong to a neighbor and cast no slur on others. He keeps an oath even when it hurts” (Psalm 15; such a person is above reproach.

A great example of a blameless man is Daniel, in Babylon serving a pagan government. His enemies wanted to find some charge against him to bring him down, they finally concluded “We will never find any basis for charges against this man Daniel unless it has something to do with the law of his God” (Dan.6:5). Zechariah and Elizabeth are regarded as “blameless” because they kept “all the righteous requirements of the Lord (Luke 1:6).

The word “pure” means unadulterated or unmixed with anything defiling.  The term was used to refer to undiluted wine or unalloyed metals. The word refers to inward integrity which is the root of outward blameless behavior. Jesus told his disciples “be harmless as doves”. Doves are creatures that not only do no harm, but could not do any; for it is contrary to their nature.

Paul uses a vivid image to describe not only how believers are to look to the watching world, but also what they are to do in the world for the sake of those who have not yet given themselves to Christ. They should shine brightly in this dark world, just as stars shine brightly on clear dark night sky. Believers emit light that attracts and guides sinners out of darkness into God’s wonderful light (1 Peter 2:9).

As Paul wrote this letter to the Philippians, he was in a dark place, in prison, facing possible execution from the pagan Nero. Christian preachers in Rome were slandering him out of envy and strife. But the letter exudes joy; it’s a major theme throughout. Paul urges them to rejoice in their trials and to share that joy with him (2:17, 18). Our lives shine as we put off complaining and arguing and live in joy, especially during trials.

Paul says “you will shine among them like stars in the sky”.  Believers are the lights in a dark world (Matt 5:14).  The light of life dwells in them (John 8:12). They shine with the brightness of the heavens. Those who lead many to righteousness shine like the stars forever and ever (Dan 12:3). Jesus said “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven” (Matt 5:16).

Christians are light in the world; the only question is, “How brightly do they shine?” Stars shine the brightest when the night is the darkest. They shine, but not as brightly, when the moon is full. The stars shine during the day, but we can’t see them because the light of the sun blocks them out. But on a dark night, they shine the brightest. Believers bear the most effective witness for Jesus when you are in the darkest place!

Paul knew that the “lights” were in a bad place. But, instead of excusing them for not shining, he knew that their position made it all the more important that they shine. Being in a dark place is a greater incentive to shine. Their light was greatly needed to reveal sin in its ugliness, to show direction out of sin and to demonstrate the beauty of a life lived in the light. The light of believers should not be overcome by darkness (John 1:5).

The way you live it has a huge impact on your witness to the gospel of Christ. The world doesn’t care what God says; it operates by its own set of rules. The children of God too often blend in; they allow the world to change them to its standards. They do the things the world does and speak the way the world speaks. They become indistinguishable from those in the world around them.

You can only back up witness with your life by standing out from the world. It may be a place of personal trial, where you radiate with God’s joy in spite of your situation. Maybe you are surrounded by crooked and perverse people. If you do all things without complaining or arguing, you are going to shine!

Living in this evil world, we often will suffer for the sake of righteousness. But we believe that God is sovereign and is working out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will (Eph.1:11). So we can submit joyfully, without complaining or arguing, to whatever he brings into our lives. God wants us to transform that seemingly boring, meaningless routine into a living, vibrant situation in which God is at work.

Joyful living in the midst of adversity adorns the gospel of Jesus Christ. About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the rest of the prisoners were listening to them (Acts 16:25).  When unbelievers see such a joyful and hopeful attitude in the midst of suffering, they will seek to know the reason. Always be prepared to answer everyone who asks you to give the reason for your hope (1 Peter 3:14-15).

There must be that quality of life explainable only in terms of God. In other words, if the life your neighbors see in you is explainable only in terms of your human personality and background what is the difference between your quality of life and theirs? If the situations you face causes you to react with the same murmuring and discontent and bitterness they have, what will attract them to your God?

Does how we look to the world around us really matter? Yes, it Paul says it really matters. D.L moody said “the preaching that this world needs is the “sermon in shoes” of those who are walking with Jesus”. Where one man reads the Bible a hundred read you and me. If we do not preach with our lives; If we cannot commend the gospel to people by our holy walk and conversation, we shall not win them to Christ

The world around us is growing darker and more immoral every hour. God loves lost people, and he wants to impress them with what he can do in people’s lives. Shine like stars as you hold out the word of life to a desperate and watching world.  Stars do not shout or make a scene they just shine.

We will make an impact in the world by lives that are observably and obviously different from the people around us. We are to be different to make a difference. Our values should set us apart from the surrounding culture. our lives should be a thing of beauty shining amidst the prevailing cultural ruins.

 Just like those stars in the sky, God calls you to let the beauty of Christ’s light shine through you. Can you imagine a night sky without any stars at all? That’s what this world would be like if as Christians we simply blend in with the world. You need to stand out from the darkness around you.




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