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Before the American civil war, slaves who worked in the field would sing this song that contained a coded message on how to escape, “when the sun comes back and the first quail calls, follow the drinking gourd, for the old man is waiting to carry you to freedom, follow the drinking gourd”.

The drinking gourd is the big dipper and the handle points the way north. There would be a guide in the railroad; if they would follow the drinking gourd, if they would know how to get north at night. The big dipper is the most important group of stars pattern formed by seven bright stars in the northern hemisphere. It’s easily visible on a clear night up in the sky.

In his letter to the Philippians church Paul told them to “be without fault, in a warped and crooked generation. Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky, as you hold fast the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain (Phil. 2:14-16). They lived in a generation similar to that described in Romans 1:28-32. They did all kinds of evils.

The bible clearly states that the people who do such things are “dead in their trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2:1-3). For the wages of sin is death (Rom.6:23). To set the mind on flesh is death. But to set the mind on the spirit is life and peace. The mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law nor can it do so (Rom. 8:5-7). The warped and crooked generation is also referred to as “the assembly of the dead” (Prov.21:16).

God in his rich mercies desires to make them alive in Christ (Eph. 2:4-5). He does not want anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). Paul instructs the Philippians believers to “shine among them like stars in the sky, as you hold fast the word of life”. Light attracts and so when they shine people will come to them. They should be ready to give every man who comes to ask the reason for their hope (1 peter 3:15).

The original word translated “holding fast” could also be translated “holding forth”. Both meanings are true and Paul could have meant it in this dual sense. Holding fast is to maintain a grasp on someone or something. Holding forth is to put forward and lift up for others to see. In other words Paul is saying “be firmly anchored in the word of life and also advertise it to others by becoming living epistles (2 Cor. 3:1-3) and preaching it.

To hold fast the word of life, you need to dig deep on its truth and fixate your mind on it. Exert a strong grip upon its principles. It’s the source of faith (Rom 10:17). It will nourish you making you grow healthy and strong (Matt 4:4, 1 Pet 2:2). It’s full of the Spirit and life (John 6:63).The word will be a source of joy and enlightenment (Ps.19:8 John 15:11). It will keep you pure and give you victory over temptation (Ps 119:9, 11).

The word is the truth (John 17:17; 8:31-32); it will give you direction (Ps 119:105) and keep you from error (Matt. 22:29).The one thing that will prevent your light from being snuffed out by the darkness in the world is holding fast the word of life. It will protect you from becoming crooked and depraved. Holding fast to the word of life will guard your heart and ward off the perverse influence of a society.

But Paul wanted their testimony to involve the verbal witness of telling people the word of life. Surrounded by those who were dead in sins, they were to hold forth the word of life. They were to point out to them the dangers and the eternal consequences of sin. They were to say to the dead in sin “awake sleeper, arise from the dead and Christ will shine on you” (Eph. 5:14). If they accepted the word, it would bring the very life of Christ to them.

In Acts 4 we read that the religious leaders tried to stop Peter and John from preaching, but they could not be stopped (v.12). When the leaders saw their courage and realized that they were ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus (v.13). Something about them made it evident and obvious that they had been with Jesus. Their boldness was coupled with calmness and radiant love characteristic of Jesus.

Jesus could be seen shining through them in the way his saving power drew crowds and the great number that gave their lives to him (v.4).Every Christian should have this two-fold witness: a life of purity and joy, which then opens the door to the second part, the word of life. Besides blameless and pure lives that stand out in stark contrast to the world, the Lord gives us another role. We are to hold forth the word of life to say “here is the way, walk in it.

The Church is called to faithfully and continually preach and teach the eternal truths of God’s word. By doing this we are holding forth the word of life. Romans10:14 summarize the responsibility of the Church: How can they call on the one they have not believed in? How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?

Paul told the Philippians that if they hold fast the word of life “then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ”. Paul looked forward to the day when he went to be with Christ but he also wanted to have a lasting legacy. He would look back upon his life’s service with pleasure, if his followers stood fast in the faith and adorned the gospel to the very end. He is reserving his cerebration for the day of Christ.

Paul lived and labored in the light of the day when all those who came to faith through him and endured to the end will stand with him before Christ. He told the Thessalonians “For what is our hope or joy or crown of rejoicing? Is it not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming? (I Thess. 2:19).  He told the Corinthians that “you can boast of us as we will boast of you in the day of our Lord Jesus (2Cor 1:14).

 Paul does not mind if his whole life is spent helping the Philippians shine like stars.This is the true heart of a shepherd: to not be content with his own relationship with God, but also longing to see his flock walking with the Lord. Apostle John felt the same way “I have no greater joy than this: to hear that my children are walking in the truth”. The exemplary holy lives lived by the church members is one of the sources of highest joy to a minister.

Paul will boast on the day of Christ that he did not run or labor in vain. The words, “run” and “labor” point to the difficulty of his service. Picture an Olympic runner training for days, running a strong race and then getting disqualified at the last moment. Paul had laboured with so many difficulties and yet with such constancy and diligence.  He says to the Philippians “If you don’t live out the gospel in your own life and share it with others, then all my work is in vain.”

 In 2 Corinthians 5 we are told that, since we know what is to fear the Lord, we must persuade others. God has given us the ministry of reconciliation and the message of reconciliation. We are Christ ambassadors as though God is making his appeal through us. We implore the dead in sin, on Christ’s behalf, to be reconciled to God (2 Cor. 5:11,18-20). God wants his children to shine not for the sake of just being light, his light needs to be displayed and advertised as a beacon of hope to a lost world.

 As Solomon’s life got near the end, he looked back and summarized it as “vanity of vanity, a waste of time” (Ecc.12:7-8). Like Paul we want to know that we have made a difference in the lives of others. What will be your legacy? Do you want to run or labor in vain chasing dreams and making memories that will be lost? If you want a real legacy, shine with the brightness of heavens; shine like the stars always, lead many to righteousness (Dan 12:3).

You may ask, “Why wear yourself out serving Christ?” If people are there in heaven on the day of Christ, rescued from Hell, gathered before the throne of Christ for all eternity because of your witness, you will say, “Any suffering I went through for the sake of the gospel was worth it. I did not run and labor in vain!”






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