Merv is a major oasis located in the plain of Karakum Desert in Central Asia. It is the oldest and the most completely preserved of the oasis spanning 4000 years of human history. In 1999 UNESCO listed Merv as a cultural world heritage site noting that the oasis has exerted considerable influence over the civilization of Central Asia and Iran for four millennia.
The well watered zone in the midst of the dry Karakum serves as a natural stopping point along two major routes. Merv is located along the Murgab River which rises in mountains on the north western Afghanistan and runs to the Karakum desert in Turkmenistan. The inhabitants (Turcomans) have dammed up the streams that flow down from the Afghan mountains and led their waters along artificial canals, and so the country is watered and reclaimed.
Day and night the dam is watched by Turcoman sentinels, because if it is destroyed the area would again become a desert. But as long as these streams are preserved, and the snows abide on the Afghan mountains which lift their white peaks against the distant sky the vegetation along the river will never wither or dry out for lack of water.
Psalm 1 has been placed first in the collection of Psalms because it forms a suitable introduction to the rest of the Psalms. It presents two ways of life: the way of the righteous and the way of the wicked; a theme that runs through all the Psalms. Psalm 1 puts men in two groups depending on how God sees them- the godly; His treasured fruitful trees and the ungodly- the worthless chaff.
God defines a godly man as one who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful (v.1); these are the things the ungodly do. The psalmist graphically describes the progressive tendency of sin. He starts with progressive inclination to sin: walk, stand, sit and then the progressively bad company: ungodly, sinners, scoffers.
Drifting to sin starts with a casual walk with the ungodly. The ungodly are unreligious people who break God’s laws but not in a serious way or as a habit. If a godly man casually walks along with them listening to their counsel, it may not sound very bad and with time it can become attractive and worthy a trial. If this person does not come to his senses and flee, he will move to the next stage.
He will then make a deliberate move to seek sinners. Sinners are those who deliberately violate God’s commands. They know what they are doing is wrong and may do it secretly; their conscience is not dead yet. At this stage the drifting person has a deliberate inclination for sinner’s company and he puts himself in places where they usually congregate.
Finally he takes a seat with the scornful. This is the last stage of wickedness. The scornful mock and scoff at God. A Scoffer delights himself in scoffing (Prov. 1:22). He does not listen to rebuke (Prov. 13:1) and hates reproof (Prov. 15:12). At this stage the drifting person establishes residence among scoffer, he becomes one of them. All conscience is dead and Hell is almost a sure destiny.
This is an accurate description of what occurs in the world. He who casually walks with the ungodly listening to their counsel will soon desire the company of those who deliberately sin and finally become an open scoffer. Many people think they are alright because they are not committing great sins while the counsels and the associations to which they are lending themselves are really undermining all their spiritual strength.
The fiber of will and conscience is secretly being eaten away and someday they wake up to find they no longer possess the faith, the sensitivity and resolution they once had. They have not been destroyed by a swift and violent assault of the world; they have been destroyed quietly and progressively by bad company, just like a moth damages a garment.
Associations with the ungodly are necessary in life to some measures, Jesus said the wheat and the tares should be left to grow together (Matt 13:24-30). The sinners need light; it illuminates and to reveals the ugliness of sin. On the other hand the godly demonstrate to them the beauty of a godly life.
However A godly man must never walk in the counsel of the ungodly. He must not walk in their way or frame his life according to their views and suggestions. Their counsel, their ways and their seats are not for him. Godly people’s affections are not set upon this world, the godly are always mindful of their noble birth, their divine inheritance and glorious destiny.
The word translated blessed is plural. A godly man has many blessings. The secret of true happiness is moral nonconformity. You cannot find a truly happy person anywhere in the devil’s territories. Men who have run the whole round of so called enjoyments unite to say “if you want to be happy avoid our footprints.” And yet many will learn from the experience of others or follow the directions of the “caution board”.
A righteous man is not simply one who keeps away from the ungodly path. His character has a positive side. His delight is in the law of the Lord, and in his law he meditates day and night (vv.1-2). A godly man finds the word of God tasty, so he reads it with delight. He desires to become more and more acquainted with it and to have its truth impressed more and more on his heart.
We should take delight in God’s word because we hardly profit by those things which we take no pleasure in. If we think the Bible is difficult to understand or is not useful we will not waste time reading it. But if we know how valuable it’s, we will use all means dig the treasure in it. It’s hard work but it’s worthy it.
The Bible is the means of achieving an abundant life here on earth and it’s also our roadmap to Heaven. We shall not need it once we get to Heaven; we need it today down here. In psalm 19:7-10 David explains how valuable God’s word is. He says that God’s word is perfect converting the soul; it’s effective in cleansing and giving life.
God’s word is sure making wise the simple; it’s a great thing to be wise. The simple can understand it well and enjoy a rich and fulfilled life. The word of God is right, rejoicing the heart. Those who know the word find joy and pleasure in it. God’s word is pure and clean, enduring forever. It has no impurities and will never lose value. We shall never need the updated copy.
There word of God has great value, therefore read it, study it, meditate on it, love it and live it. David was a great king yet he enjoyed reading Gods word. He it is more valuable than gold; and not just any gold he says “yes than much fine gold”. David was very wealthy yet he is not known for his riches, he is known more for his great heart towards God. Some people would prefer gold to God; they will barter Heaven for gold.
David said that God’s word is sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb. He gave two reasons why the word is of great value. First by it the servant is warned. Second, in keeping it there is great reward (Ps. 19:10). God’s word warns against sins and dangers we cannot see, some which are far off in the future. There is a great reward for keeping God’s word.
Paul said that we should let the word of Christ dwell in us richly (Col. 3:16). There two reasons why it’s a great practice of the godly to hide the Word in their heart. First, that they may have it ready for their own use in all occasions. The Holy Spirit picks a verse from what is hidden in them to comfort, instruct, guide, rebuke or warn when that need arises. Second, that they may use it to guide the people that God brings along their path.
The Scriptures are invaluable treasure in the heart of a man. Bind them upon your heart forever. When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you (Prov. 6:20- 23). Your first thoughts in the morning should be about God, during the day, his word in your God in your heart will keep your steps from sliding (Ps. 37:31).
Before you fall asleep your last thoughts should be about God “ I will lie down and sleep; I wake again because the Lord sustains me (Ps. 3:5). When planning your life, the word will be a lamp to your feet and light to your path (Ps. 119:105, Prov. 6:23). We shall use the hidden treasure to inspire, counsel and instruct others.
The more you love the Scriptures, the firmer your faith will be. If you do not read and obey the Bible, you will always be lacking in your spiritual fervor and vibrancy. Read the Bible and practice what it says. Build your life on it; make it your most important daily habit. Stake your future on it. A faith that will last must be founded on the Word of God.
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