Who is This Child

           Joseph and Mary hold the baby Jesus on the night of His birth.

The year was 1809 and a traveler was passing through Kentucky. He stopped at a store and asked, “Anything happen around here, lately?” “No, nothing ever happens around here. There was a baby born out at the Lincoln cabin last night–that’s all.”Just a baby at the Lincoln cabin -Abraham. Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in, Kentucky to Thomas and Nancy Lincoln.

Due to a land dispute, the Lincolns were forced to move to Indiana in 1817, where the family "squatted" on public land to scrap out a living in a crude shelter, hunting game and farming a small plot. Thomas was eventually able to buy the land. At 22-year-old Abraham Lincoln struck out on his own, making a living in manual labor.Abraham Lincoln became the 16th president of the United States, serving from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865. 

Abraham Lincoln is regarded as one of America's greatest heroes due to his incredible impact on the nation. Lincoln's distinctively humane personality and historical role as an emancipator of the slaves creates a legacy that endures. His is a remarkable story of the rise from humble beginnings to achieve the highest office in the land; then, a sudden and tragic death at a time when his country needed him most to complete the great task remaining before the nation.

When God decided to enter our world, he took a most unusual route. Born in poverty, to Jewish parents, in a forgotten village, in a stable; unexpected and mostly unnoticed, the Son of God came from heaven. That was that first Christmas 2000 years ago. Even before his birth, he was a child with many names. The prophet Isaiah, writing 700 years before He was born, prophesied that Messiah would have four names: “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).

Jesus is a Wonderful Counselor.  Counselor describes someone who gives advice about problems. We go for counsel in times of difficulty or distress. The title “wonderful counselor” literally means “a wonder of a counselor.” The word “wonderful” means “astonishing” or “extraordinary.” The OT writers used it for acts of God which man cannot understand.

Jesus is a wonderful counselor, Isaiah says, “And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD”( Isa. 11:2).  Jesus "became to us wisdom from God" (1 Cor. 1:30). He is wonderful in counsel and excellent in wisdom (Isa.28:29).

His advice is wonderful, causing marvel (Matt. 13:54). This means he is a reliable counselor. Those who come to him will never be led astray. He will accomplish things beyond human comprehension, and he will do it in ways we cannot figure out. As the Wonderful Counselor, he gives wholesome direction to His people. Those who follow him will not walk in darkness but in the blazing light of day.

Counselors always begin by asking questions or seeking to understand the counselee situation and experiences because that will guide on the advice needed.. But Christ needs no introduction; knows what you need before you ask him Matthew 6:8. He knows you completely. He knows what no other person on earth knows about you. He knows things that you don’t even know about your life. The wonderful counselor knows what you need before you ask. He has all the knowledge of your past, your present  and what is ahead of us. He is able to see the future and to guide us through the landmines that dot our future landscape. He alone can do this!

Earthly counselors give some biblical advice but cannot be sure if the counsel really helped. But the wonderful counselor never searches for the right answers. He knows exactly what they need. Jesus is a reliable counselor. He gives wholesome direction to His people. The best and the safest life is enjoyed by those who fully obey the instructions given in his words. The psalmist says “Your testimonies are wonderful therefore I keep them” (Ps. 119:129).

Jesus is the Wonderful Counselor, when we study the Gospels we see how unfailingly He counseled all who came to Him.  Christ is worthy of the name Wonderful counselor for all he taught and accomplished—and is accomplishing. Jesus is the “Wonderful Counsellor” “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col.2:2-3).We seem to have plenty of counselors today. They do a good job but they are not perfect. We have a perfect Counselor in Jesus. But to benefit from his counseling, we must be willing to listen to him, meditating on his Word and take his prescription with total obedience.

In Isaiah 48:17-18, this is what the LORD says  “I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your righteousness like the waves of the sea.'"He is the Mighty God. This speaks of the “Power of Accomplishment.” The little baby born on Christmas day was the Mighty God of Genesis 1. The fullness of God dwelt in him "( Col. 1:19). The great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes" (Deut 10:17); The Lord strong and  mighty in battle" ( Ps. 24:8).

Jeremiah prayed “Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you…. Great and mighty God, whose name is the Lord Almighty, great are your purposes and mighty are your deeds… You performed signs and wonders in Egypt and have continued them to this day, in Israel and among all mankind, and have gained the renown that is still yours (Jer 32:17-20).

In Isaiah's day things looked bleak. Judah was in collapse morally, politically and nationally. Yet, God revealed to Isaiah that He, God, was still on the throne. He was at work in history, bringing about His perfect will. He would rescue a remnant and bring them back from captivity. From the brink of defeat, God would snatch victory. God is working in events even when we cannot see it or understand it.

They sought to kill Jesus at birth but He escaped.  His works  while on earth reveal the power of the mighty God. he commanded strong winds and raging waves to peace and silence.  He spoke and demons hasted to obey. He gave sight to blind , his touch  cured leprosy. He multiplied fish and loaves. He raised the dead.His Mighty Power overcame every enemy that faced Him! Jesus came into this evil world, but evil could not corrupt Him. He overcame the devil temptation. He overcame evil with His righteous life, with His mighty power. He faced death without fear and the grave could not hold Him.

After Jesus left the authorities tried to stop the preaching of the Gospel, but it was hopeless. The disciples increased rapidly and the Gospel began to spread from Jerusalem  towards the end of the earth following the very path he had said it would in Acts 1:8. prisons, torture chambers and gallows failed to stop the spread of the gospel. Instead they motivated and facilitated the spread! (Acts 8:1)

The greatest miracle which God performs is that of saving a soul.  He takes a soul corrupted by sin and he turns it into a thing of beauty. He cleanses the individual and places His Spirit inside. He enables him to live and serve God. He gives the person power to overcome death. This mighty God has prepared a home in heaven where those who believe in Jesus will live eternally.

Today believers need the power of the Mighty God. At His ascension, Jesus reminded those who gathered on that Galilean mountaintop that “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me” (Matt 28:18). Jesus has the power to save, to lead, to keep and to finally take us home to live with Him. His power can meet our deepest needs.

Those who trust Him can rest on the fact that He will prevail over all His foes. Under His wings they can rest secure! All of his wonderful plans will be carried out with his infinite might. He has strength which is divine. The omnipotence of God is at his commands. Whatever he desires, he is able to achieve.

In the midst of harsh conditions “the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits” (Dan. 11:32). As we face the anxieties of life let us never forget that our God is mighty. No enemy is too clever, no mountain too high and no barrier too strong. Our lord Jesus is the mighty God! We have trusted Him in the day of His rejection; we will enjoy the fullness of His day of triumph.

Jesus is an Everlasting Father. Isaiah now brings him closer to us, speaking of a relationship that even eternity will not affect. Jesus is eternally like a father to his people.  He cares, he loves, he shows compassion, he protects and Provides for his people. His existence is eternal (Isa.57:15). Because he owns eternity, he can give them eternal life. He is our God forever and ever; He will guide us until death (Ps. 48:14). Let us trust in the Lord forever, for in him we have an everlasting Rock (Isa.26:4).

There is always sadness to see a home where there are fatherless children. Fathers have left sometimes due to death and sometimes due to other sad circumstances. Earthly Fathers are not forever, all human father eventually pass away.  Sometimes they leave when they are needed most. But, Jesus is a father forever! He will always be there for us. As Isaiah declares that those who trust in God will never be without a Father. He is always there  to guide them with His wisdom and shelter them with His love.

 He is a Prince of Peace. Shalom, means more than our term peace. This word signifies not only the absence of war and strife, but it sums up the thought of prosperity, well being, harmony within and without, internal serenity, peace with God. The word signifies the perfect state of man which God intended when man was first created. In Philippians 4:4 we read that we are to turn to Jesus  in our hour of trouble and he will give us a peace that passes understanding.

Jesus said “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” Jesus repeats His peace. He says it twice in the same sentence - He says, “Peace I leave, my peace I give you.” This not just peace, this is God's perfect Peace. This peace is the tranquility of the heart and soul in the midst of life’s adverse winds and attacks to our emotional well being. This peace cannot be explained, but it can be enjoyed.

Peace is a wonderful thing, but hard to find in this world. God’s ultimate plan for peace rests not in treaties or lessons. God’s plan for Peace is the Maker of Peace. He will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on him (Isa. 26:3). The work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance forever” ( Ps. 29:11). Paul’s prayers for Thessalonians was ”now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means ( 2 Thess. 3:16).

You never know what may happen in the world because a baby was born. No doubt the Innkeeper didn’t know who he was turning away. Even Mary couldn’t fully imagine what it all meant that night. Many people go through life oblivious of the great privilege they have as followers of Jesus Christ. As you celebrate Christmas and begin the New Year remember who Jesus is and enjoy all that he is. May he be a Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace in your life.








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